
Yeison Gil


The actions and practices implemented in the framework of the phenomenon of street
habitability attention in Bogota D. C. are developed from different areas of knowledge and
attention such as psychology, social work, health, reeducation pedagogy, sociology,
occupational therapy, among others. Nevertheless, the personal development processes of the
citizens with street experience, the dignity of their condition and their resignification in the
communities, face countless challenges, one of them the employment affiliation.
This document seeks to present a series of reflections on three key points. First, the academic
barriers of this population to achieve a working relationship in society. Second, the barriers
imposed and the challenges of companies in the face of these links. Third, the social and
economic potential that this population represents for society.
This analysis is developed through the implementation of historiographic methods and
sociological analyzes allowing the construction of a diagnosis to demonstrate a social reality
to which the company and society itself can contribute. This contribution is not only from
social assistance, but from a scenario with a lot of potential as corporate social responsibility,
the employment of citizens with street experience, alternative work practices and even social
responsibility of these citizens with the communities.

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: habitability on the street, citizen living on the street, occupational therapy, labor bonding practices

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Gil, Y. (2020). XXXVI. CITIZENS WITH EXPERIENCE ON THE STREET: REFLECTIONS ON THE CHALLENGE OF LABOR LINKAGE. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.200
Artículos Científico